Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Etsy Tips: Add Complementary Products or Services to Boost Your Sales

If your Etsy shop is at a good start but you want to start making smaller steps to achieve a bigger goal such as reaching a revenue target or a certain number of sales, there are several ways you can boost your sales. One way is by offering complementary products or services.

It adds more value to your shop and can inspire repeat business. It helps when times are slow in one area of your business and the other is still keeping the cash flowing. When creating complementary products or services, you need to figure out how to build upon what you know and offer it in a way that it benefits a different audience and then you'll have a new stream of income.

Here are some examples:
  • If you sew clothing and also have a lot of experience with designing your own patterns or even fabrics, people that would rather create than buy a finished project would be happy to have the opportunity to buy your sewing patterns via Instant Download or fabric designs instead.
  • If you sell framed art prints, maybe you can make postcards, small stickers for planners, or even a printable download to create a cheaper price point.

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